Happy and proud of our amazing BSS Rhino Inside Revit Building System Specialist Mikel
After these amazing months it is a pleasure to share her final project the “RE-MIXER”. It is a really sensible project, where the theory was made in practice ; )
Taking as reference the 1960s science fiction themes, like «The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista» tale of JG Ballard, published in 1962, Re-mixer is an attempt to look at architecture from another perspective avoiding formal classifications. So, with the texts of Ballard, Alexander, Price, Banham and the work of John Frazer in mind, I propose a game whose first step involving the dis-mounting and re-mounting of an existing building, in this first case in a random way.
Through the use of visual programming, which I have learn to control in the PAZ BSS Title, it is possible first to extract all the information about relevant pieces, in this case the concrete elements, and show them like in a Lego box mounting instructions. All relevant information is extracted, from material, size, structural capabilities, etc.
The next step would imply re-mounting or re-building if you prefer. In the video I show only internal variations, but this changes could affect the shape and volume of the building, depending on the use intended. Just imagine the potential to analyse existing buildings in order to select materials to re-use. Once it was a common practice in past. People were reusing older buildings stones and bricks from Temples or fortresses to build their own homes. There would be no Haghia Sophia, or no Mosque of Cordoba without reusing material from past buildings.
Nevertheless, the idea here is to let the imagination freedom and ask ourself what if buildings could move?
Thanks to the title of PAZ, Andrés and Nora have given me tools to not only visualise what I had in mind, which by the way I would like to thank them, since the point of the title is not only to master the graphic programming tools, but to represent it professionally too, and arrive to professional quality standards. They gave me the tools to start mounting my own vision of architecture. A set hat mixes precision and freedom, where dreaming is not only encourage, but it is a must part of the process.
So, if you have some critical thoughts, feel indifferent towards what is happening in the architectural context, and ideas that you don`t know how to implement…I recommend you the BSS Title of PAZ.“ – Mikel
Thanks for your hard work Mikel! Let’s continue! : )
To sum up, we know Rhino Inside Revit BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect Revit with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit, Dynamo. And of course other add-ons like Kangaroo, Python, Ladybug and much more.
Take care, it is addictive ; D