

Happy and proud of the BSS ArchiCAD Grasshopper Island City of our Building System Specialist Marco 1f44f


Thanks for his brilliant games and multidisciplinary connections! We learned a lot from each other not only on the professional but on a personal and human level!

But now let’s enjoy the BSS ArchiCAD Grasshopper Island City :

“This Project was inspired by the phrase “A building like a tree a city like a forest” from the concept of Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough & Michael Braungart. It acknowledges the creativity and freedom of the parametric world, however without neglect to achieve a balance with nature. Part of the realization of this project included reading research papers to determine the size of the hexagons, height of buildings and their relationship with concepts such as buoyancy.

The island-city enabled me to test many of the techniques learnt throughout the course and to challenge myself to go even further.

I loved the experience! It meant hard work and few sleepless nights during 4 months, but it all has been worth the while. I am truly thankful for the support and feedback from PAZ.

Last but not least. Learning to code is great, but it´s even better to learn how to communicate your ideas. During the course PAZ places great emphasis on documenting your code (definitions) so that others can make use of the solutions in a very professional and straightforward way.

Graduating is great, but it is only the beginning of so much more to discover.” – Marco

Thanks a lot for this nice words Marco and let’s continue : D


To sum up, we know ArchiCAD+Grasshopper BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect ArchiCAD with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit. And of course other add-ons like Param-o, Python, Ladybug and much more.

Take care, it is addictive ; D



ArchiCAD GrasshopperArchiCAD Grasshopper


archicad grasshopperArchiCAD Grasshopper BSS Title
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