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1f333Happy and proud of our amazing  Building System Specialist Sebastian Lieb 1f333 1f341

” With my final thesis I optimized workflow for structural design. The goal was to create a place of truth in Grasshopper. Grasshopper links all relevant programs together and thus always has the latest data. Another goal was to reduce the architectural plan to the essentials for structural design.

From the imported reference lines I created the parametric model in Grasshopper. The 3d model of the structure was enhanced with important information from the structural design in Grasshopper. For example, the loads were imported directly from an Excel file. The complete structural model was sent to Rfem and calculated there. The final dimensions and results were then taken back to Grasshopper, processed and sent to Archicad. The result in Archicad is a fully informed structural model including a load transfer plan for the structural engineer of the concrete components.

With this consistent system, it is now easy to implement changes without a lot of manual effort in editing. This takes us one step further in the data consistency of a structural engineer.

The five months of training with PAZ Academy were very instructive for me. I thought your training concept was ingenious. It was great for me that I could flexibly schedule my training alongside my working hours. I also found the info videos with the inputs and the tasks great. With this method, you quickly progressed and gained an understanding of the parametric way of thinking.

With parametric design, programming knowledge and the resulting logical and structured thinking, a lot can be implemented more easily and efficiently. In my eyes, this knowledge should be as much a part of an engineering degree as mathematics.

Nora and Andrés thank you again from the bottom of my heart for this great training and support. ” – Sebastian




Watch his Virtual Graduation : FOREST & HUMAN on YouTube :





To sum up, we know ArchiCAD+Grasshopper BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect ArchiCAD with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit. And of course other add-ons like Param-o, Python, Ladybug and much more.

Take care, it is addictive ; D



ArchiCAD GrasshopperArchiCAD Grasshopper 5 months mentoring program


PAZ Academy ist im Mai an der Swissbau 2022!

“Design Your Process”
Wir zeigen Sie, wie Sie Ihre eigenen Tools und Anwendungen erstellen und Ihren eigenen Prozess steuern können, anstatt kostenspieligen Programmen und Applikationen zu kaufen! ->

Wissen bedeutet Freiheit! ; )

Als Teil des Swissbau Innovation Lab wird unser Projekt DNA Tower in iRoom präsentiert. Dieses Innovationsprojekt vereint drei wichtige und dringende Themen : Design, Natur und Architektur.
Genauso wie unser Planet eine radikale Veränderung braucht, so braucht auch unsere Bau- und Designprozesse.

Biologie, Life-Science und Technologie bewegen uns schon seit langem, und mit diesen Zutaten ist die Idee des DNA-Towers entstanden. Wenn wir uns unsere gebaute Umwelt anschauen, sind industrielle Rohstoffe eine technologische Sackgasse. Wie wird unsere Bauindustrie aussehen, wenn wir anstatt ressourceintensiver und zentralisierter Fertigung Biologie, lebende Systemen und materiale Revolution nutzen, die wachsen, sich selbst reparieren und sich an die Umwelt anpassen können? Auf diese Fragen haben wir reflektiert und in dieser kürzen Zeit eine Antwort gegeben.

Mehr an der Swissbau vom 3. bis am 6. Mai an der Messe Basel in der Halle 1.0!

Wenn Sie Ticket brauchen, schreiben Sie uns an!

PAZ Academy


Kostenloses Beratungsgespräch mit PAZ

Wenn Sie Fragen, Feedback oder Zweifel haben, wie Sie Ihre Zukunft mit effizienteren Workflows verbringen können und wie Sie Ihre BIM-Kenntnisse mit parametrischen Design, Kreativität, technischen Fähigkeiten und Strategien verbessern können, buchen Sie einen Termin mit PAZ Academy.

Wenn Sie eine Veränderung in Ihrem Berufsleben als Freiberufler oder im Büro brauchen, um eine höhere Position zu erreichen, oder sogar um Ihr Unternehmen zu gründen oder zu expandieren, trinken Sie einen parametrischen Online-Kaffee mit PAZ! 2615


Buchen Sie ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch mit PAZ, um uns kennenzulernen, uns Fragen zu stellen und unsere nächsten Schritte zu organisieren!


Wenn Sie Ihr Leben in unsere Akademie einbringen, bringen wir unsere Talente in Ihr Leben ein, und diese Kombination wird sich als sehr reich an neuen Entdeckungen erweisen. ; )


PAZ Academy Trainings / Kurse

Archicad Grasshopper BSS TitlePAZ Academy Trainings

*Wussten Sie, dass mehr als 70 % unserer Schüler zu uns gekommen sind, weil sie sich in den Tausenden von Videos auf YouTube, Texten und Podcasts verirrt und keinen strukturierten Weg zum Lernen gefunden und dadurch wahnsinnig viel Zeit verschwendet haben?


Happy and proud of our amazing BSS Rhino Inside Revit Building System Specialist Simmi  1f1f8-1f1ec

“Before I talk about my project or my experience I want to thank both of you for the guidance, support and love without which I can’t make it through.

The concept behind my project “island twisting tower” was a tower that emerges from the ground and twists as it grows up just like a plant grow upwards and twists as it goes up. The twisting tower is the main feature to focus on is a module of floors that repeats and twists  continuously at an angle. This concept is mirrored to form a twin twisting tower.  inspired by Singapore’s vision of green space, I have tried to include greenery in the sky through high-rise terraces and gardens. And this is “the party zone where magic happens”. This space allows the people to enjoy and relax.

“The orange mushroom” aka-viewing deck, allows people to gather and take a boat ride serves as a meeting point. It also gives an ant’s eye view perspective of the twin twisting tower and one can feel the scale of the building..landscaped pockets to provide space for play-area and spaces to enjoy view of the city  and sea.

And now let’s talk about the process….well, it was quite delightful to see how fast I was able to convert my concept design into a BIM model. I can imagine how many hours and how much manpower we usually take in a normal scenario . At the beginning of the Title  I thought it gonna be very hard for a non-scripting background but doing the final project has changed that mindset.” – Simmi

Thanks SIMMI for your amazing work and attitude!


Watch his Virtual Graduation : ISLAND TWISTING TOWERS  on YouTube :




To sum up, we know Rhino Inside Revit BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect Revit with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit, Dynamo. And of course other add-ons like Kangaroo, Python, Ladybug and much more.

Take care, it is addictive ; D



BSS - Rhino Inside RevitBSS – Rhino Inside Revit




Happy and proud of our amazing BSS Rhino Inside Revit Building System Specialist Maciej 1f1e8-1f1ed



The idea for this historical solar clock was in my head since the diploma at the end of my studies. I mothballed that then and focused on my professional job (as an architect). But when Nora and Andres asked me about my idea for the project, I proposed that among two other topics. They were so enthusiastic towards the solar clock, that I think we all knew from the start where it will go 🙂

Nora and Andres supported me the all the way in the project, both technically and in creative terms. It is really important to mention that that was not only about the Grasshopper script, but also about managing public data, visualization struggles, all the stuff around that you need to develop from A to Z.

The script I’ve built is generating a net consisting horizontally of days and vertically of hours. They are generated by calculating how shadow cast by the Sun is wandering through the year. In that generation only the very end of the shadow is taken into account. Thanks to that, the clock can point not only an hour at the particular moment, but also the month and the day of the month. The script is now ready to generate the net at every location in the world. Now, once we have the net, the design has a very good potential for historic places. Since you can point the hour, day and the month, why don’t place at this spot an adequate historical painting, logo or poster? Possibilities are limitless and they can be tailored according to every scale – of a city, country or continent.

And about the Title itself :

I started at PAZ Academy already with some ground knowledge of Dynamo in Revit. Nora and Andres guide how to develop that logic in your brain to have clean structure, and it is extremely important. I would also like to highlight the range that BSS Title covers – it’s not only Grasshopper, not only Rhino, but also all the stuff around. All the stuff that visual programming needs to talk to – plugins, visualization software, Revit quirks. PAZ is available to help you there at every point. BSS Title is a complete, well-rounded package and this is rarely seen on the marked. I recommend it gladly.” – Maciej

Thanks MACIEJ for your amazing work and attitude!


Watch his Virtual Graduation : THE SOLAR CLOCK OF SWISS HISTORY on YouTube :





To sum up, we know Rhino Inside Revit BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect Revit with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit, Dynamo. And of course other add-ons like Kangaroo, Python, Ladybug and much more.

Take care, it is addictive ; D



BSS - Rhino Inside RevitBSS – Rhino Inside Revit


1f1ec-1f1e7   1f1e8-1f1ed  

BIM, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

BIM, Liberty

PAZ Academy BIM

BIM, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

PAZ Academy BIM




As architects, our goal and passion is to create smart, high quality design. For this reason, we always have to mix and match our tools with our task in order to achieve our professional freedom. Digital tools help you to cross software barriers, open workflows, connect them in real time and provide easy access to join forces with other professionals around our planet. : )

The buildings you design are a reflection of your identity. The way they look, perform, and the feelings they emote – are all related to your beliefs, your values, and your vision as an architect.

But what about your workflow? Does your workflow express the same ideas as your projects? In addition to what you design, we believe that how you design says something about you, too.

In this unprecedented collaboration, two computational designers explain their story, and how open technology and advanced workflows help express their identity, allowing them: To share information freely – maintaining design momentum without missing a beat. The freedom to choose – which design route to take, which software to use. A fun and rewarding experience – doing what they love while still meeting deadlines.

From computational design to documentation, mixing and matching technology to fit the needs of the project, and bringing a sense of fun and freedom to the entire process, this webinar will reveal the true identities of major international BIM players PAZ Academy, McNeel & Associates, and GRAPHISOFT.

To learn more about ArchiCAD and the Grasshopper Connection and how to be #BIMlingual connection ArchiCAD and Revit real time thanks to the Rhino Inside Revit development.

If you want to check out more TOOLS and TUTORIALS – this is your site!

  I wanna learn more with PAZ : D 

As architects, our goal and passion is to create smart, high quality design
. For this reason, we always have to mix and match our tools with our task in order to achieve our professional freedom.
Digital tools help you to cross software barriers, open workflows,
connect them in real time and provide easy access to join forces with other professionals around our planet. : )

In this unprecedented collaboration, two computational designers explain their story, and how open technology and advanced workflows help express their identity, allowing them:
To share information freely – maintaining design momentum without missing a beat. The freedom
to choose – which design route to take, which software to use. A fun and rewarding experience – doing what they love while still meeting deadlines.


ARE YOU BIMlingual ?

A lot of research shows that from 60 to 75 percent of our population speak at least two languages so they are multilingual. And as we know, many countries have more than one official national language – like Switzerland with four or South Africa with eleven. But why most of us speak only one software language? Do you want to become BIMlingual?


BIMlingualBIMlingual, how to speak and connect multiple BIM Software, for example Revit + ArchiCAD trough Grasshopper and RhinoInsideRevit.

We have around 6500 languages in the world, but we don’t know the exact number. We can talk about dialects, less widely spoken ones, popular and official. Our students and professors speak 20 human languages and communicate in at least 4 different ones every day.

As research shows, the human brain has evolved to be multilingual, and those who speak only one language and are monolingual are not exploring their full potential. Biological evolution, language evolution, technological evolution, but most changes are driven by environmental, social and political pressures. Computer and software languages are just as important for expressing ourselves, our ideas as human languages. In order to achieve our professional freedom, we have to overcome our BIM monolingualism.

We are proud that more and more languages are joining our BSS group – both on a human and computer level! : )



Communication is fundamental to human existence and survival. From the first day we are born, we give signals to be understood and listened. During our lives it is continuous. It gets easier in the moment when we start to use a communication channel that is understood by more parties. Communication is the act of sharing information from one person to another person or group of people.

Every time we understand a different language, a different culture, a different software, we better understand the world, so our job and the others. It is economically, emotionally and socially beneficial. As we see in the AEC world, translators, exports and imports between software and version takes us a lot of time and errors.

Each new language gives you a new perspective and update to better understand the routes in order to improve your problem solving skills, to be able to multitask, make better and more rational, systematic and clear decisions and communicate and help across professionals / your team and countries.

Become BSS BIMlingual, open up a new opportunity and make your communication easier and find the perfect channel with others.



Bilingual brains depending on their task and what they want to express they sort out which language to use. They know in which task which one to use to solve problems faster and more accurate, expressing themselves that the others understand. It is something that they do not have to think about, it is coming automatically. Each new one will be a greater benefit, helping your brain to keep fit and healthy, not speaking about your professional opportunities and additional doors what you will open for your advance your career.

We know it is investment of time, energy and money. To make it structured, direct, and personal we built up the only and unique professional BSS – the Building System Specialist Title. You will connect ArchiCAD + Grasshopper, Revit with RhinoInside Revit. It will have a massive impact in your professional career, meanwhile we talk you BIMlingual Rhinoceros3D, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit, Paramo, Python, Ladybug and much until you also can : D

Take care, it is addictive ; D





Rhino Inside Revit



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