Happy and proud of our amazing BSS Archicad Grasshopper Building System Specialist Katrin
“What was the Idea behind reimagining Bokoni. First I think it a very interesting and beautiful place, which is very little known and defiantly worth a stop to everyone which is on the way to Kruger National Park.
As previously motioned, I worked on a Project in South Africa which tried to develop the area, not just for tourist but the idea was to generally create work, infrastructure and better living conditions for locals. Which brings me to Bokoni it self. Bokoni was as you know a thriving society, before we Europeans thought we had to colonies Africa. I firmly believe that colonialization made the biggest contribution to poverty in Southern Africa.
Bokoni proofs, that Africans had there own civilizations, in areas which these day only a fraction of people area able to survive. So the questions we as Architects have to ask our self, especially if we want to contribute to a social discourse about upliftment, is how are the social structures traditionally. Having studied the stone circles, 2 things stand out. Large families, in the sense of what we are seeing as extended family is close family, and the importance of cattle. This are to things which I experience a still two very important aspects of Southern African native culture. Only with that knowledge we can start to think about talking how we can help to transform society with architecture. I can get only a handful of people to research Bokoni with my work and get them to understand that there is all kind of social structures which all are relevant, we made a big step in the right direction.
So to the BSS title. I learned a lot, and most importantly I learned the thinking behind visual programming, I think it’s the base to build on. “
Thanks KATRIN for your amazing work!
Watch his Virtual Graduation : REIMAGINE BOKONI on YouTube :
To sum up, we know ArchiCAD+Grasshopper BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect ArchiCAD with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit. And of course other add-ons like Param-o, Python, Ladybug and much more.
Take care, it is addictive ; D