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Happy and proud of the first swiss BSS ArchiCAD Grasshopper Building System Specialist Christof 1f44f



For PAZ was a pleasure to enjoy this BSS journey with you during these 4 months. Thanks for your trust and support and respect of our work!

We believe on hard workers as you are Christof, connecting and developing great things together with amazing results in an incredible environment!

We are really proud of you, working hard until the end and we know this intense but amazing experience will change definitely your professional future! : D

But let’s celebrate you and your amazing work:

1f44f1f43c1f44f  BRAVO PANDA BRAVO 1f44f1f43c1f44f

“The idea of my project was to create a small and lovely island with four different main buildings. Each building represent an important topic i have learnt trough out the four months oft the BSS Title. For example the tower generated from a shape in archicad, and then afterwards changed to a tall building with the help of a simple txt space programm file. Or the cubus created with two ParamO components in archicad and then changed in grasshopper to a colorful house. The video reflect the character of the BSS title. Besides hard and intensive work, the training was above all a lot of fun and joy.

The work with Nora and Andrés during this four months were amazing. Thank you very much for your support, your guidance and the sharing of your knowledge. You took me on an amazing journey in the world of parametric design. This definitely opened my eyes what is possible with the power oft the brain and the computer and will help me a lot for my further development in the daily parametric design work.

It was a highly addictive four months that I can recommend to everyone” – Christof

Thanks a lot for this nice words Christof and let’s continue : D



To sum up, we know ArchiCAD+Grasshopper BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect ArchiCAD with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit. And of course other add-ons like Param-o, Python, Ladybug and much more.

Take care, it is addictive ; D



archicad grasshopperArchicad Grasshopper BSS Title


archicad grasshopperArchiCAD Grasshopper 3 Hours


Happy and proud of the BSS ArchiCAD Grasshopper Island City of our Building System Specialist Marco 1f44f


Thanks for his brilliant games and multidisciplinary connections! We learned a lot from each other not only on the professional but on a personal and human level!

But now let’s enjoy the BSS ArchiCAD Grasshopper Island City :

“This Project was inspired by the phrase “A building like a tree a city like a forest” from the concept of Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough & Michael Braungart. It acknowledges the creativity and freedom of the parametric world, however without neglect to achieve a balance with nature. Part of the realization of this project included reading research papers to determine the size of the hexagons, height of buildings and their relationship with concepts such as buoyancy.

The island-city enabled me to test many of the techniques learnt throughout the course and to challenge myself to go even further.

I loved the experience! It meant hard work and few sleepless nights during 4 months, but it all has been worth the while. I am truly thankful for the support and feedback from PAZ.

Last but not least. Learning to code is great, but it´s even better to learn how to communicate your ideas. During the course PAZ places great emphasis on documenting your code (definitions) so that others can make use of the solutions in a very professional and straightforward way.

Graduating is great, but it is only the beginning of so much more to discover.” – Marco

Thanks a lot for this nice words Marco and let’s continue : D


To sum up, we know ArchiCAD+Grasshopper BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect ArchiCAD with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit. And of course other add-ons like Param-o, Python, Ladybug and much more.

Take care, it is addictive ; D



ArchiCAD GrasshopperArchiCAD Grasshopper


archicad grasshopperArchiCAD Grasshopper BSS Title


We are really happy and proud of the work of our first woman BSS ArchiCAD+Grasshopper Building System Specialist Marina  👩‍🎓


It was a pleasure to spend and share this nice and intense months with her. But this is her day, her celebration after this hard and amazing work what she made :

“The idea behind this project was to take fractal growth as a model for a city that can change its density while keeping the same structure. The biggest challenge for me was to find a realistic proportion between the building environment and the voids which are represented as the green areas.  Everything in this video is generated inside Archicad directly from Grasshopper. The python component was used to create a parametric masterplan pattern based on a recursive algorithm

I learned how to make all of this  in The BSS course at PAZ Academy created by Andrés and Nora who were also my tutors. Anyone can take this course including people with zero background in computational design. The course consists of three parts which are dedicated to develop a set of skills which one can immediately implement in work:

The 1st PART is a system of methods and resources that gives a solid base to start with your BIM software and Grasshopper connection.

The 2nd PART teaches how to manage the data from both sides.

The 3rd PART (is my favorite one).  It is exceptionally helpful and provides you with approaches to a variety of subjects.

I want to thank Nora and Andrés for the patient guidance during these 4 months. It was an incredible journey into the depths of parametric design and BIM which helped me to discover the confidence in using such powerful tools on a regular basis. I also appreciated the competition approach, although I am not a competitive person  it really helped me to stay motivated. Very often I took some time to discover more about the subject and I was always supported by the tutors. 

This course was a fortunate investment in my professional skills and an amazing experience!” – Marina

Thanks a lot for this nice words Marina and let’s continue : D


To sum up, we know ArchiCAD+Grasshopper BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect ArchiCAD with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit. And of course other add-ons like Param-o, Python, Ladybug and much more.

Take care, it is addictive ; D



archicad grasshopperArchiCAD Grasshopper BSS Program


archicad + grasshopperArchiCAD + Grasshopper 3 Hours
1f1ec-1f1e7   1f1e8-1f1ed  

BIM, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

BIM, Liberty

PAZ Academy BIM

BIM, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

PAZ Academy BIM




As architects, our goal and passion is to create smart, high quality design. For this reason, we always have to mix and match our tools with our task in order to achieve our professional freedom. Digital tools help you to cross software barriers, open workflows, connect them in real time and provide easy access to join forces with other professionals around our planet. : )

The buildings you design are a reflection of your identity. The way they look, perform, and the feelings they emote – are all related to your beliefs, your values, and your vision as an architect.

But what about your workflow? Does your workflow express the same ideas as your projects? In addition to what you design, we believe that how you design says something about you, too.

In this unprecedented collaboration, two computational designers explain their story, and how open technology and advanced workflows help express their identity, allowing them: To share information freely – maintaining design momentum without missing a beat. The freedom to choose – which design route to take, which software to use. A fun and rewarding experience – doing what they love while still meeting deadlines.

From computational design to documentation, mixing and matching technology to fit the needs of the project, and bringing a sense of fun and freedom to the entire process, this webinar will reveal the true identities of major international BIM players PAZ Academy, McNeel & Associates, and GRAPHISOFT.

To learn more about ArchiCAD and the Grasshopper Connection and how to be #BIMlingual connection ArchiCAD and Revit real time thanks to the Rhino Inside Revit development.

If you want to check out more TOOLS and TUTORIALS – this is your site!

  I wanna learn more with PAZ : D 

As architects, our goal and passion is to create smart, high quality design
. For this reason, we always have to mix and match our tools with our task in order to achieve our professional freedom.
Digital tools help you to cross software barriers, open workflows,
connect them in real time and provide easy access to join forces with other professionals around our planet. : )

In this unprecedented collaboration, two computational designers explain their story, and how open technology and advanced workflows help express their identity, allowing them:
To share information freely – maintaining design momentum without missing a beat. The freedom
to choose – which design route to take, which software to use. A fun and rewarding experience – doing what they love while still meeting deadlines.


ARE YOU BIMlingual ?

A lot of research shows that from 60 to 75 percent of our population speak at least two languages so they are multilingual. And as we know, many countries have more than one official national language – like Switzerland with four or South Africa with eleven. But why most of us speak only one software language? Do you want to become BIMlingual?


BIMlingualBIMlingual, how to speak and connect multiple BIM Software, for example Revit + ArchiCAD trough Grasshopper and RhinoInsideRevit.

We have around 6500 languages in the world, but we don’t know the exact number. We can talk about dialects, less widely spoken ones, popular and official. Our students and professors speak 20 human languages and communicate in at least 4 different ones every day.

As research shows, the human brain has evolved to be multilingual, and those who speak only one language and are monolingual are not exploring their full potential. Biological evolution, language evolution, technological evolution, but most changes are driven by environmental, social and political pressures. Computer and software languages are just as important for expressing ourselves, our ideas as human languages. In order to achieve our professional freedom, we have to overcome our BIM monolingualism.

We are proud that more and more languages are joining our BSS group – both on a human and computer level! : )



Communication is fundamental to human existence and survival. From the first day we are born, we give signals to be understood and listened. During our lives it is continuous. It gets easier in the moment when we start to use a communication channel that is understood by more parties. Communication is the act of sharing information from one person to another person or group of people.

Every time we understand a different language, a different culture, a different software, we better understand the world, so our job and the others. It is economically, emotionally and socially beneficial. As we see in the AEC world, translators, exports and imports between software and version takes us a lot of time and errors.

Each new language gives you a new perspective and update to better understand the routes in order to improve your problem solving skills, to be able to multitask, make better and more rational, systematic and clear decisions and communicate and help across professionals / your team and countries.

Become BSS BIMlingual, open up a new opportunity and make your communication easier and find the perfect channel with others.



Bilingual brains depending on their task and what they want to express they sort out which language to use. They know in which task which one to use to solve problems faster and more accurate, expressing themselves that the others understand. It is something that they do not have to think about, it is coming automatically. Each new one will be a greater benefit, helping your brain to keep fit and healthy, not speaking about your professional opportunities and additional doors what you will open for your advance your career.

We know it is investment of time, energy and money. To make it structured, direct, and personal we built up the only and unique professional BSS – the Building System Specialist Title. You will connect ArchiCAD + Grasshopper, Revit with RhinoInside Revit. It will have a massive impact in your professional career, meanwhile we talk you BIMlingual Rhinoceros3D, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit, Paramo, Python, Ladybug and much until you also can : D

Take care, it is addictive ; D





Rhino Inside Revit





We are very happy and excited that our BUILDING SYSTEMS are getting REAL  : D From the online PAZ Platform we are jumping now to the construction side ; )

With a collaboration of our BSS – Building System Specialist PAZ-NET RAAA Architecture & Art we design a Mondrian-inspired wooden façade for a private house in the Netherlands : D

We would like to share with you our first sketches and ideas, how to combine concept & theory & technology and how to bring ideas directly to production : )

Stay tuned for further development, images and videos and join to our BSS – Building System Specialist Title to become part of our PAZ- NET and learn how to turn your dreams into reality : D



PAZ DHP – Digitalisation of Hospital Project

PAZ DHP – Digitalisation of Hospital Project

PAZ freut sich sehr über die Zusammenarbeit mit Walkerprojekt. Dank Philip Schmitt haben wir die Möglichkeit, am schönen Spitalprozess von Walkerprojekt teilzunehmen und ihnen bei diesem interessanten und innovativen patientenorientierten Planungsprozess zu helfen um den perfekten Dialog und Sprache mit Architekten zu finden.


Wie wir alle wissen, sind Spitalorganisationen komplexe, lange und datenreiche Prozesse. Die fokussierte Strategie, die Meinungen und Rückmeldungen von Patienten, Angehörigen, Ärzten und Krankenschwestern sind der wichtigste Teil der Arbeit von Walkerproject. Wir freuen uns sehr, diese Brücke, dieses Tool erstellen zu können  : D

In diesem Video zeigen wir die ersten Schritte, die ersten Verbindungen, wie Ideen, Gefühle mit Daten und CAD, also visuelle Zeichnungen verbunden werden können. Wir benutzen die Excel-Datenbank mit den gewünschten Inputs, was wir bekommen oder erstellt haben z. B. Quadratmeter, Farben, Namen, Kosten, Liebe usw. Für PAZ ist es sehr wichtig, diese abstrakten Daten verdaulich und visuell darzustellen. So können wir die geänderten Daten jederzeit im CAD abrufen und einfach bearbeiten, um sie an die organischen Prozesse zu adaptieren : )

Wir können das Skelett und die Organisation unserer Räume durch die logische Verbindung zwischen ihnen ändern und die Form an unsere Bedürfnisse anpassen, welcher Raum mit dem anderen verbunden werden soll, wie sich der Patient durch das Gebäude bewegt usw. So werden unsere Prototypen erstellt. Dies kann in Echtzeit zwischen verschiedenen Experten, Spezialisten in einem interdisziplinären Team ausgetauscht, exportiert und ausgelesen werden. Es gibt zahlreiche Exportoptionen: CAD Zeichnungen, 2D Spiele, Excel-Tabellen, Ausdrucke und natürlich zukünftiges BIM : D

Mit unseren verschiedenen Variationen können wir diskutieren, unsere Kunden überraschen und ständig weiterentwickelnde Zusammenhänge suchen um innovative und kontinuierlich verbesserte Ideen zu finden : D

Wir freuen uns sehr, Ideen, Gefühle, Erfahrungen und Professionalität mit Design, Prozess und Strategy verbinden zu können und das Tool für Walkerproject zu entwickeln, um Spitalprojekte gerade in diesen Zeiten auf ein höheres Niveau zu bringen : D





Your NEXT CHANCE to get access for our ArchiCAD+Grasshopper Building System Specialist Online  and RHINO.INSIDE REVIT Building System Specialist Online Courses is from 1st of June.

This course is only as powerful as much work we put into it. Taking the course stage by stage gives you what you need, to put the puzzle together, to see the big picture instead of getting dizzy with 20 different small courses where you do not find the lead and the connection.

To keep the PAZ quality and personalisation level at the maximum, your next opportunity is :

1f680NEXT START : 1 of JUNE

The registration is already open, DO NOT hesitate !

ℹ️ More info and registration :

ArchiCAD+Grasshopper Building System Specialist

RHINO.INSIDE REVIT Building System Specialist

If you have questions, Andrés and Nora are always ready to help you : D

The digital-ready person : D



This question in our days is more and more important, first of all in this hard time.

We invite you for a short journey from the keyboard of Peter, Tim and Amanda. They explain in a nice way for a brodier audinece how to be up-to-date and know the “how”, the “when” and the “why” : )

>> The digital-ready worker <<<

As we know in our fast changing environment, is really important to learn while working to adapt to the needs and changing society. The way we understand our tools and the “how” of their processes is one of the most important things before we even start our projects. Instead of just pressing buttoms, where we lose our control and process, we need to get familiar with them and analyze the problems to evaluate what is helpful and applicable in which situation : D

These digital tools not only helps us with our daily workflow, but also giving us excellent results.

PAZ wants you to understand how your tools work when you push the buttom or connect the wire, why you should use it and when and to show you a better way to reach your maximum potential. We believe in individual training with your personal touch, a deep and secure knowledge. Students, employees and employers can benefit from our educators and help and teach them more and more new skills. This does not mean that we will change your way of working from one day to another or the old skills are no longer relevant. The most important is to feel more comfortable with this new tools and learn how to express our thoughts in a more powerful way : )

Our goal is to teach you the “HOW” that you can use it as an individual  in your own way to feel FREE ! ! !


Check out your options : D





Deloitte Australia Centre for the Edge & Geelong Grammar School

Peter Evans-Greenwood & Tim Patston & Amanda Flouch, Australia
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