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The digital-ready person : D



This question in our days is more and more important, first of all in this hard time.

We invite you for a short journey from the keyboard of Peter, Tim and Amanda. They explain in a nice way for a brodier audinece how to be up-to-date and know the “how”, the “when” and the “why” : )

>> The digital-ready worker <<<

As we know in our fast changing environment, is really important to learn while working to adapt to the needs and changing society. The way we understand our tools and the “how” of their processes is one of the most important things before we even start our projects. Instead of just pressing buttoms, where we lose our control and process, we need to get familiar with them and analyze the problems to evaluate what is helpful and applicable in which situation : D

These digital tools not only helps us with our daily workflow, but also giving us excellent results.

PAZ wants you to understand how your tools work when you push the buttom or connect the wire, why you should use it and when and to show you a better way to reach your maximum potential. We believe in individual training with your personal touch, a deep and secure knowledge. Students, employees and employers can benefit from our educators and help and teach them more and more new skills. This does not mean that we will change your way of working from one day to another or the old skills are no longer relevant. The most important is to feel more comfortable with this new tools and learn how to express our thoughts in a more powerful way : )

Our goal is to teach you the “HOW” that you can use it as an individual  in your own way to feel FREE ! ! !


Check out your options : D





Deloitte Australia Centre for the Edge & Geelong Grammar School

Peter Evans-Greenwood & Tim Patston & Amanda Flouch, Australia
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