

Happy and proud of our amazing and first Hungarian BSS ArchiCAD Grasshopper Building System Specialist Monika Lenczuk 1f1ed-1f1fa



We are happy and proud of our first Hungarian Woman Building System Specialist! After these intense months it is a pleasure to share her final project playing with nature, geometry, bees and her sensible and personal interior world.

Her idea was to play with the hexagon grid and different building types, based on different tools and scripts what she has learned during the Title.

Let’s enjoy and share her final project and her words :


I created an imaginary ‘Honeycomb City’, a low-density development on the border of an existing city, next to the suburbs and mixed-use territories. The hexagon grid is contrasting with the existing rectangular structures, but can be perfectly connected to them. The hexagon grid also symbolizes the connection between city and nature.

The ‘Honeycomb City’ is a housing area, but is also providing workplaces and different facilities to the residents and the inhabitants of the neighbouring areas, and a lot of green spaces and gardening areas which are partly in common use.

The building types are made in Grasshopper, with different variations of cores, atriums, balconies, passages, and differently set parameters. The position of the buildings is also set in Grasshopper, and with expanding the hexagon grid the city can easily grow.

After transforming the geometry from Rhino/Grasshopper to BIM elements I also added Param-O objects in ArchiCAD and environment in Twinmotion, to make the model complete for a video presentation.

Special thanks to Nora and Andres for their patience and motivation. As the instructors of the Title they put a lot of work in individual communication with the students and are always open to new ideas. I was new to Grasshopper and I found the course really challenging sometimes. Nevertheless, it was a great introduction to Grasshopper and various other tools and working methods!” – Monika


Thanks for your hard work and amazing work Monika! And this is just the beginning, let’s continue! : )



To sum up, we know ArchiCAD+Grasshopper BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect ArchiCAD with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit. And of course other add-ons like Param-o, Python, Ladybug and much more.

Take care, it is addictive ; D



ArchiCAD Grasshopper


archicad grasshopperArchiCAD Grasshopper 3 Hours
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