

Happy and proud of our amazing BSS Rhino Inside Revit Building System Specialist Alina  1f1ec-1f1e7

Here you can find her amazing project : HYPERMIX : 



“The project seeks to implement the workflows and tools learnt in the BSS onto a mid-scale, medium density mixed use urban project. Hence the term ‘hypermix’. It reflects the type of projects I often work on in practice, so I felt it apt to reflect this in the project.

The desire to create more sustainable neighbourhoods necessitates the successful integration of different uses – living, working, leisure, industry, retail, transport and nature. The arrangement of which can hopefully result in resilient, flexible and walkable places. I am particularly interested in organisation and typology, particularly in collective housing. There is often a pressure to increase density in schemes, and the challenge then becomes bringing really nice qualities to both dwellings and collective spaces in the city.  As such, the project looks to create several of these ‘ingredients’ and start to drive them using some simple design intentions and variables as a stepping stone into ‘real world’ projects. I have outlined some of these below.

It is always important to me to explore spaces from a human scale and perspective, to project the activities onto them to test scale, orientation, materials and so on. My video tries to focus in on the different spaces created to get a sense of how each differs and see the potential and best qualities of each.

The project is not radical in the typologies it creates but rather reflects a first step into how these fundamental parts can be developed using rhino/grasshopper/rhino.inside/revit to improve workflow and design iteration on a daily basis.  Most certainly this project is far from perfect or finished it it’s resolution, but useful in putting the tools learnt into practice, and seeing the potential of twinmotion as a tool to assess and communicate ideas!  In the definitions I wanted to leave the space for users to be able to create ‘custom’ layouts easily  –  for example rather than generating things from a grid, the user could draw some simple curves for an apartment building contour and layout that would then generate the various building elements.  The user could then play with different variables like balcony size, depth, window ratio, materials in a very intuitive way.  I like the balance between being able to create and ‘break’ rules of a system to respond to the context or other design objectives. 

I had known about rhino.inside for a little while before starting the title, but never really got time to try it out.  Having been a die hard rhino user for more than a decade now, I was in no doubt this would be super useful and awesome. I probably enjoyed the data part the most because it was just really applicable to the work I do, and I really improved my understanding of lists, workflow and organisation. Before starting I obviously didn’t know anything about the various revit components available in grasshopper, but now I feel like I have a really good grasp of the fundamentals and I know what the possibilities are for future use.

It is quite a unique title I think in the way it’s set up. It succeeds in really engaging you in all the details which is important for learning. Having to replicate the image for each challenge means you really must pay attention to all the elements and variables etc. Very clever!” – Alina


Check out the virtual graduation of Alina and experience her thoughts and ideas behind her final project – Hypermix on YouTube :




To sum up, we know Rhino Inside Revit BSS Title is an investment of time, energy and money. But to make it enjoyable, direct and personal, we built up the only and unique professional BSS. Building System Specialist Title is a PAZ masterpiece after 10 years of professional experience in this topic. So you learn about how to connect Revit with Rhino+Grasshopper. It will have a huge impact in your career. Meanwhile we talk you Rhino, Grasshopper, Archicad, Revit, Rhino Inside Revit, Dynamo. And of course other add-ons like Kangaroo, Python, Ladybug and much more.

Take care, it is addictive ; D



BSS - Rhino Inside RevitBSS – Rhino Inside Revit


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